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Hỏi về win api openprocess
Cho mình hỏi về win api openprocess.
Trong định nghĩa của https://msdn.microsoft.com, viết:
"OpenProcess function
Opens an existing local process object.
_In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
_In_ BOOL bInheritHandle,
_In_ DWORD dwProcessId
dwDesiredAccess [in]
The access to the process object. This access right is checked against the security descriptor for the process. This parameter can be one or more of the process access rights.
If the caller has enabled the SeDebugPrivilege privilege, the requested access is granted regardless of the contents of the security descriptor.
bInheritHandle [in]
If this value is TRUE, processes created by this process will inherit the handle. Otherwise, the processes do not inherit this handle.
dwProcessId [in]
The identifier of the local process to be opened.
If the specified process is the System Process (0x00000000), the function fails and the last error code is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. If the specified process is the Idle process or one of the CSRSS processes, this function fails and the last error code is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED because their access restrictions prevent user-level code from opening them.
If you are using GetCurrentProcessId as an argument to this function, consider using GetCurrentProcess instead of OpenProcess, for improved performance.
Return value
If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified process.
If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
To open a handle to another local process and obtain full access rights, you must enable the SeDebugPrivilege privilege. For more information, see Changing Privileges in a Token.
The handle returned by the OpenProcess function can be used in any function that requires a handle to a process, such as the wait functions, provided the appropriate access rights were requested.
When you are finished with the handle, be sure to close it using the CloseHandle function."
Vậy thì hàm này mở một process mới với handle cùng với process đang tôn tại, hay chỉ là giành quyền truy cập vào process đang tồn tại
Trong định nghĩa của https://msdn.microsoft.com, viết:
"OpenProcess function
Opens an existing local process object.
_In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
_In_ BOOL bInheritHandle,
_In_ DWORD dwProcessId
dwDesiredAccess [in]
The access to the process object. This access right is checked against the security descriptor for the process. This parameter can be one or more of the process access rights.
If the caller has enabled the SeDebugPrivilege privilege, the requested access is granted regardless of the contents of the security descriptor.
bInheritHandle [in]
If this value is TRUE, processes created by this process will inherit the handle. Otherwise, the processes do not inherit this handle.
dwProcessId [in]
The identifier of the local process to be opened.
If the specified process is the System Process (0x00000000), the function fails and the last error code is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. If the specified process is the Idle process or one of the CSRSS processes, this function fails and the last error code is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED because their access restrictions prevent user-level code from opening them.
If you are using GetCurrentProcessId as an argument to this function, consider using GetCurrentProcess instead of OpenProcess, for improved performance.
Return value
If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified process.
If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
To open a handle to another local process and obtain full access rights, you must enable the SeDebugPrivilege privilege. For more information, see Changing Privileges in a Token.
The handle returned by the OpenProcess function can be used in any function that requires a handle to a process, such as the wait functions, provided the appropriate access rights were requested.
When you are finished with the handle, be sure to close it using the CloseHandle function."
Vậy thì hàm này mở một process mới với handle cùng với process đang tôn tại, hay chỉ là giành quyền truy cập vào process đang tồn tại